Spring Writing Prompts Craft Activities | Craftivities
The Spring Writing Prompts packet contains 16 writing activities. There are 16 crafts that children will need to color, cut out and glue to assemble. There are also 16 writing prompts that go with each of the crafts. Additional blank pages with no writing prompts are also included so that children can write whatever they wish to write about.
Included in the Spring packet are the following writing prompts:
- If I found a baby rabbit…
- Chicks
- If I were a Bee
- How to build a Birdhouse
- Birds
- The Blue Bird on the Branch
- Parts of a Butterfly
- If I were a hungry caterpillar I would eat
- How to make a Flower Wreath
- Spring Flowers
- Frog Life Cycle
- Spring is Here!
- The Snail Race
- Dressing for Rain
- Picking Flowers
- Spring Tree
Happy Teaching 🙂
Your children will have so much writing and crafting with the Spring Writing Prompts Craft Activities | Craftivities packet!
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