
Kindergarten Morning Tubs / Bins Set 5


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The Kindergarten Morning Tubs Set 5 is the perfect solution for your kindergarten morning tubs! Included are 16 activities that will help your students practice and review math and literacy concepts.


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Kindergarten Morning Tubs / Bins Set 5

Set 5 of the Kindergarten Morning Tubs contains 16 activities ideal for use in morning tubs with children in Kindergarten.
To prepare the activities in the Kindergarten Morning Tubs / Bins for use, laminate each printed page and then cut along the dotted lines. The cards in this packet have been designed to be stored as sets on key rings and for that reason, each card has a hole-punching mark.
Photos are included to show how each activity can be used. The photos make great visual instruction cards for young students and you can store them with the corresponding activity.

Literacy Activities:

  1. Alphabet soup upper and lower case match
    Materials needed: letter tiles (optional)
    Children will match the lower case letter to the upper case letter.
  2. Write the missing letter
    Materials needed: erasable markers
    Children write the missing upper case letters on the card. They will rewrite the letters on the coloured squares at the bottom of the card. In the blank boxes, they will write the corresponding lower case letter to spell a word.
  3. I spy words that thyme with…
    Materials needed: counters
    Children will identify the words that rhyme with the focus word and place a counter on each picture. They can use the answer cards included to check that they have found all the matches.
  4. I spy words with… syllables
    Materials needed: counters
    Children will identify the words that have the number of syllables shown and place a counter on each picture. They can use the answer cards included to check that they have found all the matches.
  5. I spy words that start with …
    Materials needed: counters
    Children will identify the words that begin with the focus sound and place a counter on each picture. They can use the answer cards included to check that they have found all the matches.
  6. Missing middle sounds (CVC words)
    Materials needed: magnetic letters
    Children will add the missing middle letter to each word on the card.
  7. Unscramble the letters (sight words)
    Materials needed: letters tiles (optional)
    Children will pick the letter tiles shown and unscramble them to spell a sight word.

Math Activities:

  1. Do they match? number-number words
    Materials needed: household pegs
    Children will identify whether the number word and ten frame match and a clip a peg to show their answer.
  2. Missing numbers (1-20)
    Materials needed: household pegs
    Children will identify the missing number and a clip a peg to show their answer.
  3. Number sense sort (11-20)
    Children will sort the different number representations to the correct number mat.
  4. Balloon counting
    Materials needed: plastic links
    Children will attach the correct number of links to the bottom of the card.
  5. Domino addition
    Children will sort the different domino cards to the correct mat.
  6. Making 10
    Materials needed: counting cubes, erasable markers
    Children will build the addition picture with counting cubes and write in the missing number on the card.
  7. I spy… (2D shapes)
    Materials needed: counters
    Children will identify the 2D shapes in real life and place a counter on each picture. They can use the answer cards included to check that they have found all the matches.
  8. What hold more/less?
    Materials needed: household pegs
    Children will identify which of the two pictures holds more/less and clip a peg to show their answer.
  9. Stick Pictures
    Materials needed: colored sticks
    Children recreate the picture on the card using the colored sticks.


Happy Teaching 🙂

Click here to view all the Morning Tubs / Bins activities.


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Kindergarten Morning Tubs | Bins Set 5. 16 printable math and literacy activities.Kindergarten Morning Tubs / Bins Set 5