
Kindergarten Morning Work Set 7


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The Kindergarten Morning Work Set 7 packet focuses on: the alphabet, syllables, CVCC words, sight words, place value, number sense, addition, telling time.


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Kindergarten Morning Work Set 7

** The Kindergarten Morning Work Set 7 includes American and Australian spelling **
About this book
This book contains a set of 20 math and 20 literacy worksheets (total of 40 worksheets) intended for use with children in Kindergarten (Prep/Foundation). The contents of this book are intended to review skills already taught and are therefore ideal for morning work or homework.
Worksheet focus
Set 7 continues the alphabet and begins the focus on place value, number sense and addition.
Kindergarten Morning Work Set 7 covers:
  • Letters: Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx
  • Word Families: all, ell, ill, ink
  • Sight Words: big, play, run, to

Day 1 Literacy of each week

  1. Pre-writing strokes to teach upper case letter writing
  2. Tracing upper case letter
  3. Upper case letter identification
  4. Writing missing upper case letters in alphabet sequence
  5. Identifying beginning sound for picture
  6. Introduction to words in word family
  7. Tracing and identifying sight word


Day 1 Math of each week

  1. Number sense
  2. Identifying the group that has more (pictures)
  3. Making 10
  4. Count and write how many tally marks
  5. Counting and write how many sides and corners (2D shapes)
  6. Color the base ten blocks to show the given number
  7. Identifying the bigger object


Day 2 Literacy of each week

  1. Pre-writing strokes to teach lower case letter writing
  2. Tracing lower case letter
  3. Lower case letter identification
  4. Writing missing lower case letters in alphabet sequence
  5. Identifying how many syllables
  6. Matching word family words to pictures
  7. Coloring using sight word code


Day 2 Math of each week

  1. Number sense
  2. Identifying the group that has more (pictures)
  3. Making 10
  4. Count the coins and draw tally marks
  5. Counting and write how many sides and corners (2D shapes)
  6. Count the base ten blocks and write how many
  7. Identifying the longest object


Day 3 Literacy of each week

  1. Pre-writing strokes to teach upper and lower case letter writing
  2. Tracing upper and lower case letters
  3. Upper case letter maze
  4. Writing missing upper case letters in alphabet sequence
  5. Identifying beginning sound for picture
  6. Coloring using word family code
  7. Matching sight words to boxes and writing them


Day 3 Math of each week

  1. Number sense
  2. Identifying the group that has more (domino dots)
  3. Making 10
  4. Count and write how many tally marks
  5. Counting and write how many sides and corners (2D shapes)
  6. Color the popsicle sticks and write how many (place value)
  7. Identifying the heavier object


Day 4 Literacy of each week

  1. Pre-writing strokes to teach upper and lower case letter writing
  2. Tracing upper and lower case letters
  3. Tracing beginning sound picture
  4. Writing missing lower case letters in alphabet sequence
  5. Identifying how many syllables
  6. Tracing word family words and reading sentence
  7. Tracing sight word and writing missing letters from word


Day 4 Math of each week

  1. Number sense
  2. Identifying the greater number
  3. Making 10
  4. Count the coins and draw tally marks
  5. Counting and write how many sides and corners (2D shapes)
  6. Count the popsicle sticks and write how many (place value)
  7. Identifying the objects that holds more


Day 5 Literacy of each week

  1. Pre-writing strokes to teach upper and lower case letter writing
  2. Tracing upper and lower case letters
  3. Beginning sound maze
  4. Writing missing lower case letters in alphabet sequence
  5. Identifying beginning sound for picture
  6. Matching words that rhyme
  7. Writing missing sight word and read sentences


Day 5 Math of each week

  1. Number sense
  2. Identifying the greater number
  3. Making 10
  4. Adding tally marks
  5. Counting and write how many sides and corners (2D shapes)
  6. Add the base ten blocks and popsicle sticks and write how many
  7. Draw hands on the clock to show the time
Happy Teaching 🙂


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Kindergarten Morning Work Set 7. Alphabet, syllables, CVCC words, sight words, place value, number sense, addition, telling time.Kindergarten Morning Work Set 7