Kindergarten Morning Work Set 7
** The Kindergarten Morning Work Set 7 includes American and Australian spelling **
About this book
This book contains a set of 20 math and 20 literacy worksheets (total of 40 worksheets) intended for use with children in Kindergarten (Prep/Foundation). The contents of this book are intended to review skills already taught and are therefore ideal for morning work or homework.
Worksheet focus
Set 7 continues the alphabet and begins the focus on place value, number sense and addition.
Kindergarten Morning Work Set 7 covers:
- Letters: Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx
- Word Families: all, ell, ill, ink
- Sight Words: big, play, run, to
Day 1 Literacy of each week
- Pre-writing strokes to teach upper case letter writing
- Tracing upper case letter
- Upper case letter identification
- Writing missing upper case letters in alphabet sequence
- Identifying beginning sound for picture
- Introduction to words in word family
- Tracing and identifying sight word
Day 1 Math of each week
- Number sense
- Identifying the group that has more (pictures)
- Making 10
- Count and write how many tally marks
- Counting and write how many sides and corners (2D shapes)
- Color the base ten blocks to show the given number
- Identifying the bigger object
Day 2 Literacy of each week
- Pre-writing strokes to teach lower case letter writing
- Tracing lower case letter
- Lower case letter identification
- Writing missing lower case letters in alphabet sequence
- Identifying how many syllables
- Matching word family words to pictures
- Coloring using sight word code
Day 2 Math of each week
- Number sense
- Identifying the group that has more (pictures)
- Making 10
- Count the coins and draw tally marks
- Counting and write how many sides and corners (2D shapes)
- Count the base ten blocks and write how many
- Identifying the longest object
Day 3 Literacy of each week
- Pre-writing strokes to teach upper and lower case letter writing
- Tracing upper and lower case letters
- Upper case letter maze
- Writing missing upper case letters in alphabet sequence
- Identifying beginning sound for picture
- Coloring using word family code
- Matching sight words to boxes and writing them
Day 3 Math of each week
- Number sense
- Identifying the group that has more (domino dots)
- Making 10
- Count and write how many tally marks
- Counting and write how many sides and corners (2D shapes)
- Color the popsicle sticks and write how many (place value)
- Identifying the heavier object
Day 4 Literacy of each week
- Pre-writing strokes to teach upper and lower case letter writing
- Tracing upper and lower case letters
- Tracing beginning sound picture
- Writing missing lower case letters in alphabet sequence
- Identifying how many syllables
- Tracing word family words and reading sentence
- Tracing sight word and writing missing letters from word
Day 4 Math of each week
- Number sense
- Identifying the greater number
- Making 10
- Count the coins and draw tally marks
- Counting and write how many sides and corners (2D shapes)
- Count the popsicle sticks and write how many (place value)
- Identifying the objects that holds more
Day 5 Literacy of each week
- Pre-writing strokes to teach upper and lower case letter writing
- Tracing upper and lower case letters
- Beginning sound maze
- Writing missing lower case letters in alphabet sequence
- Identifying beginning sound for picture
- Matching words that rhyme
- Writing missing sight word and read sentences
Day 5 Math of each week
- Number sense
- Identifying the greater number
- Making 10
- Adding tally marks
- Counting and write how many sides and corners (2D shapes)
- Add the base ten blocks and popsicle sticks and write how many
- Draw hands on the clock to show the time
Happy Teaching 🙂
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