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Spring Preschool Worksheets and Activities No Prep


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The Spring Preschool Worksheets and Activities contains a collection of 36 printable no prep activities suitable for use with children in Preschool and Kindergarten.


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Spring Preschool Worksheets and Activities No Prep

The Spring Preschool Worksheets and Activities No Prep packet contains 36 printable worksheets suitable for use with children in Preschool and Kindergarten.

Spring Preschool Fine Motor Skills:

  1. Spring flowers tracing cutting practice (1 page)

    Children trace the flowers, color the picture and then cut up along the stems of each flower.

  2. Spring pre-writing fun (1 page)

    Children trace between the lines of each path.

  3. Ladybug fine motor tracing (1 page)

    Children trace the ladybug and then color the picture. Alternatively, they can color the picture first, use glue to trace the outline and then sprinkle glitter over the picture.

  4. Spring butterfly and umbrella maze (2 pages)

    Children begin at the arrows and trace their way through the maze.

Spring Preschool Literacy Worksheets:

  1. Caterpillar letter tracing: upper and lower case letters (2 pages)

    Starting at the bottom of the page, children trace all the letters.

  2. Bee and flower letter match (7 pages)

    Children match the upper and lower case letters by drawing a line from each bee to the matching flower.

  3. Frog pond missing letters (2 pages)

    Children write the missing letters on the empty lilly pads to complete the alphabet sequence.

  4. Flower and pot beginning sounds cut and paste (5 pages)

    Children cut out the pictures from the bottom of the page and paste them on top of the corresponding flowerpot.

  5. Spring syllables (1 page)

    Children read the word for each picture and color the corresponding number to show how many syllables.

  6. Spring middle sounds for CVC words (1 page)

    Children identify the picture, say its name and then write the missing middle vowel.

  7. Umbrella and raindrop rhymes cut and paste (1 page)

    Children cut and paste the pictures that rhyme under the correct umbrella.

  8. Spring dab the pre-primer sight word (10 pages)

    With a bingo dauber, children dab each sight word flower using the color code provided.

  9. Spring coloring (1 page)

    Children color the objects on the page as directed, then color the rest of the picture as they wish.

  10. Spring words one-to-one correspondence (1 page)

    Children count how many words in each sentence and color a number to show their answer.

  11. Spring read and match cut and paste (1 page)

    Children cut out the pictures from the bottom of the page, read each sentence and then paste the corresponding picture in the empty box.

  12. Emergent reader “Spring is Here!” (color and B&W) & comprehension sheet

    Assembly is required by cutting each page in half, then stapling together on the left side where indicated. I have also included a colored version that teachers can use and keep in the classroom library. There are 2 comprehension sheets: one with pictures to indicate which page children can find the answer, and another without pictures.

  13. Spring build a sentence (1 page)

    Children cut out the words from the bottom of the page and arrange them in order to make a 4-word sentence.

  14. Spring prepositions: under, above, between, in (1 page)

    Children color the object that shows the position identified.

Spring Preschool Math Worksheets:

  1. Kite number words and number match (2 pages)

    Children match the number words and numbers by drawing a line from each kite to the correct kite-flying child.

  2. Spring differences (1 page)

    Children look at each row of pictures and circle the one that is different.

  3. Spring what doesn’t belong (1 page)

    Children look at each row of pictures and circle the one that doesn’t belong.

  4. Spring sequencing cut and paste (2 page)

    Children cut out the pictures and paste them in correct order to show the life cycle of a butterfly and the sequence of a rabbit pulling out a carrot from his garden.

  5. Bug size sorting cut and paste (1 page)

    Children cut and paste the pictures in correct size order.

  6. Buggy trails shapes cut and paste (1 page)

    Children trace the bug trail around each shape.

  7. Bee numbers and beehive ten frame cut and paste match (2 pages)

    Children cut out the numbers from the side of the page and paste them under the matching ten frame beehive.

  8. Spring flowers biggest and smallest numbers (1 page)

    Children color a petal to show the biggest and smallest numbers.

  9. Spring number tracing (1 page)

    Starting at the bottom of the page, children trace the numbers 1-10.

  10. Spring trace and write the missing numbers (1page)

    Children trace the existing numbers and write the missing numbers in the empty boxes.

  11. Spring cut and paste number order (2 pages)

    Children count and graph the pictures.

  12. Spring count and graph to 5 (1 page)

    Children cut out the pictures from the bottom of the page and glue them on the matching shadows.

  13. Spring patterns cut and paste (AB, ABB, ABC) (3 pages)

    Children determine the type of pattern, then cut the pictures from the bottom of the page and paste them in the correct box to finish each pattern.

  14. Collecting Easter eggs picture sequencing (1 page)

    Children cut and paste the picture cards in order.

  15. Ladybug addition (1 page)

    Children use the dots on each ladybug wing to write and solve an addition sentence.

  16.  Insect sorting (1 page)

    Children cut out the pictures from the bottom of the page and paste them in the correct category to show whether the animals are insects or not.

  17. Spring scavenger hunt (1 page)

    Children go on a scavenger hunt and color a smiley face when they see an object on their list.

  18. Parts of a flower (1 page)

    Children trace the words on the page and color the picture.

  19. My senses in the Spring (1 page)

    Children draw a picture for each of the 5 senses during springtime.

Your students will have so much fun learning with the Spring Preschool Worksheets and Activities packet!
Happy Teaching 🙂
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Spring Preschool Worksheets. Sorting by size | Sequencing | Patterns | Number match | Letter tracingSpring Preschool Worksheets and Activities No Prep