If you’re teaching your students to read phonetically, the Phonics Letter of the Week printable packet is the perfect resource to help you! Included in each packet, you will find 30 games, activities and worksheets that can be used to help you teach the letter at the beginning of the year and to reinforce and consolidate what has been learnt throughout the year.
Today, I’d like to show you what’s included in my FREE Phonics Letters of the Week B packet.
Click here to get the FREE Phonics Letter of the Week B packet.
Click here to view Phonics Letter of the Week MEGA BUNDLE.

What’s included…
Phonics Letter of the Week Posters
1. First, I have included a poster with correct letter formation for both upper and lower case letters. I have added a CVC word at the bottom of the poster for students to read. I have also included a picture to exemplify the beginning sound.
2. Next, I included a second poster that shows 10 CVC words for your students to read and re-read and several pictures to make it look cute.

Tracing Cards
3. Included next, you’ll find a set of upper and lower case flash cards with correct letter formation. Most tracing cards include only the focus letter, but I wanted children to have the opportunity to see what the letter looks like written in a word. Therefore, I included a proper noun and a matching picture on the upper case tracing card and a common noun with matching picture on the lower case letter card. To ensure these cards last, laminate them and provide children with some erasable markers for them to practice correct formation of the letter over and over. You can cut the cards apart and make a hole in the corner to secure together with a key ring to ensure no card gets lost.

4. I have included a second set of letter formation cards. These cards have the directional arrows on the outside of the letters and make them ideal for use with play dough. I love play dough use for young children as it gives them an opportunity to strengthen the small muscles in their fingers in preparation for writing. Having said that, children can use erasable markers to write on them also. Of course, it would be ideal to print them on cardstock and laminate for durability.

5. After that, I added a set of some smaller tracing cards for students to use with erasable markers. As with the previous cards, it’s best to print on cardstock and laminate them for durability. You could make a hole in the top corner and secure the set together with a key ring.

6. The last activity in this Tracing Card section activity asks your students to trace upper and lower case letters, a focus word and 5 CVC words. As with the previous cards, it’s best to print on cardstock and laminate to ensure the card lasts a long time.

Phonics Letter of the Week Activities
7. Time to start with some activities! The first one is a “Write the Room” activity. I have included 27 vocabulary cards and each word has the focus letter underlined to show its position: beginning, middle and end. You can choose to use only the beginning sound cards, or all of them. For a “Write the Room” activity, place the around the room or hide them in a sensory bin for children to take out and then write the word on the recording page.
Alternatively, you can use these vocabulary cards for matching card game. Print two sets, decide which words you’d like to use and have your students flip them over to make matches.

8. The next activity is the “Sound Hound” center. Your students are asked to sort 18 cards to the correct “doggie section” to show the position of the focus letter: at the beginning, middle or end of a word. Once completed, children can work on the cut and paste activity. Of course, the activity and worksheet don’t need to be done together – you could have the children use the Sound Hound Center at the beginning of the week and then have them complete the worksheet at the end of the week.

9. I have included a sentence building activity to help students learn correct sentence structure. The sentence is a basic 4-5 word sentence that begins with a proper noun and ends with a vocabulary card that also has the ending punctuation on it. Students will swap out the vocabulary card to make different endings. Once they make a sentence, children can they record it on the recording page included.

Phonics Letter of the Week Booklets
10. Booklets are so much fun! The first one that I have included in this packet is a fluency flip book. I have included a colored version that you can use as a teacher model or keep in the classroom library. Of course, I have added a black and white version for children to color themselves. The flip book introduces a different vocabulary word with a simple sentence, such as “I see a…” or “I like the…” I have included two recording pages to use with the flip book. The first recording page asks children to write the vocabulary words. The second asks children to write the sentence from the flip book utilizing a vocabulary word, to draw a picture of it and then they are asked to identify the vocabulary word they chose and write down another word that starts with the same beginning sound.

11. Then there is a foldable alphabet activity booklet. Children trace the focus upper and lower case letters, circle the picture that start with the beginning sound and then identify the upper and lower case letter among other letters. Once that is done, children fold the page along the dotted lines to make their foldable booklet.

Phonics Letter of the Week Emergent Readers
12. The next booklet is an emergent reader. I have used sight words and decodable words to create the sentences. These booklets are great for developing reading fluency. I have included a black and white version for students and a colored version that you can keep in the classroom library.

13. Then there is a missing upper and lower case beginning sound reader. It follows the predicable pattern “Bb is for…” Children cut out the letters from the strips included and glue them in the boxes. Alternatively, they can cut out letters from magazines, stamp them in or even write the letters by hand.

14. The next booklet included in this packet is a CVC picture scramble cut and paste booklet. I have included 6 scrambled CVC words that children need to cut out and glue in the correct order to make a CVC word that begins with the focus sound. Once they have done that, children color the focus word, trace it and then write it two times on the writing lines included in the booklet.

Phonics Letter of the Week Worksheets
15. And now, it’s time to start with the worksheets. First up is a simple letter maze intended to help with upper and lower case letter recognition. I think dot markers work brilliantly with this kind of activity, but children can also color the squares or use stamps.

16. Another worksheet that you can use with dot markers is the Font Discrimination maze. The purpose of this worksheet is for children to identify the focus letter written in different fonts.

17. The next couple of worksheets require asks students to color the different sections of the image using the color code provide. Once they have colored the page, it will reveal either an upper case or lower case letter. This will help students recognize upper and lower case letter pairs.

18. One of my favorite activities from this packet is the Beginning Sounds Color It! activity. Children color the pictures that begin with the focus sound. Simple but effective!

19. For the following worksheet, children are asked to find the upper and lower case letters and then write how many they found of each. Once again, dot markers make this activity super fun, but students can also use markers or stamps.

Handwriting Practice Pages
20. It’s time to move on to some handwriting practice! The handwriting pages are available with a continued gray line, or dotted black lines. Choose the option you like best. You could even laminate these pages for children to re-use with an erasable marker!

21 – 22. There are a couple more handwriting pages with some different cut and paste activities at the bottom of the page. For the first worksheet, your children will be sorting upper and lower case letters. For the second one, they will be sorting pictures that start with the beginning sound and the ones that don’t.

23-24. Next are some worksheets that require students to trace CVC words. The first worksheet is a cut and paste page that requires children to trace and write CVC words and glue the picture next to the matching word. The second worksheet is a bit more complex as there 6 CVC pictures for children to match and then they need to write those CVC words in the shaped boxes.

Phonics Letter of the Week Reading Pages
25. The following page is a homework reading page. It can be stored in a Homework Binder and a new page can be added each week, as a new letter of the week is introduced in the classroom. Children, with the help of their parents, should read one or more of these homework pages each night to ensure letter sounds are not forgotten.

26. I have included a fluency reading page that can also be used as homework.

27. Up next is another reading page. Unlike the previous pages, this one does not focus on CVC words. The aim of this reading page is for children to identify the upper and lower case letter in a familiar nursery rhyme.

28. Next, I have included a set of 5 sentence building cut and paste worksheets. These pages display a simple sentence using sight words and CVC words. The wording for this is the same that is used in the emergent reader (point 12).

Week Fun Activities
29. The crown can be completed at the end of the week as an “I know the letter!” achievement activity. Children cut out their crowns on the cutting line or around the solid shape. They also cut out the shapes containing 3 pictures and glue them onto their crowns. I have also included letter tracing head wraps that can be secured to each side of the crown to form the back part of it. Usage of this is optional; students could use string instead to tie to the crown so it will sit on their heads.

30. The last two pages contain blank upper and lower case letter templates that you can use with children to create letter activities and crafts. For craft ideas, please visit my blog at In My World: www.inmyworld.com.au/category/preschool

Well, there you have it: Phonics Letter of the Week B! This was a long post, but I wanted to show you all the pages included in this packet so that you could decide whether this packet fits in with your Literacy curriculum! To download the complete and FREE Letter B, click here or on the image below!

Happy Teaching 🙂